Lubbock Heart & Surgical Hospital




Education to take care of our patients is a top priority at the Lubbock Heart & Surgical Hospital.

What to Expect After Joint Replacement

Thanks to advances in medicine, recovery from a joint replacement surgery is faster and smoother than it was even a decade ago. While every surgery is different and every patient is different; there are some general things you can expect after joint replacement surgery:


Your nurse and therapy team will provide you and your family with education that is important in order to ensure your recovery is as smooth as possible. Depending on which joint replacement you are undergoing and which surgeon you have chosen, you will be provided with detailed education on precautions and activity restrictions that you will need to follow until your surgeon releases you.


After joint replacement, therapy will begin the day of surgery or the following day, depending on your surgeon’s orders. Your active participation in therapy is imperative to a smooth and successful recovery. You will regain full strength and range of motion of your new joint if you work hard and follow the guidance given by your surgeon, nurse and therapist. Therapy will consist of passive and active range of motion exercises, walking and education on how to perform activities of daily living as independently as possible.


Prior to leaving the hospital, depending on your personal needs, a plan will be put in place for what services and equipment you might need when you get home. Once you are home, you will continue your therapy – either with home health services or in an outpatient clinic. This will be based upon your type of joint replacement, your individual needs, your surgeon’s protocol and your therapist recommendations. You also will be provided with contact information for our orthopedic clinical liaison for any questions or concerns you may have once you are at home.

Before you know it – if you follow the guidance and education provided – you will be back to living a full and active life that you’d hoped for!